About Me
Edmonton Photographer, Michelle Sadee

Hi there! Thanks for visiting – I’m Edmonton photographer, Michelle Sadee.
It’s so important to know just who is behind the lens – the person whom you have entrusted to capture your most important moments so that you can treasure them, not only with your heart but with your eye – for generations to come.
I was once engaged in a very demanding and challenging career as a police officer, where my unique eye for every tiny detail had a direct correlation to my success. Later, I was designing my own homes because I wanted to make living spaces come alive. My vision encompassed distinct and elegant structures, with rich textures and color. But I am a perfectionist and wanted to keep things ‘just so’; to capture what I saw and preserve it just the way it was. Ultimately, I embraced photography through my passion for capturing what I see as the art in everyday life – through a desire to freeze and share every real detail of a moment.
I am someone who has journeyed through the valleys in life, but also metaphorically speaking, have felt the joy that comes from reaching the mountain tops. I have experienced life in its most raw form, having both survived tragic loss and been lifted up by tremendous love. I approach every day knowing that the ‘now’ is fleeting and that to treasure the gorgeous moments and appreciate the art of what can be captured by the eye of my camera lens is everything. Tomorrow is not promised – and the time to celebrate those we love is now!
As for my choice of subject, the new life is wondrous. Nothing compares to the anticipation of a new baby, to the promise of life inherent in the revealing form of an expectant mother. And babies – they are just out-of-this-world beautiful. The joy brought to me by two special little people – my boys aged 4 and 5 – is hard to describe with words. I often forget time and catch myself gazing over when I see them laughing while engaged in something as ‘ordinary’ as playing with our family Golden Retriever and Bernese Mountain Dog. There is nothing ordinary about how your child’s laughter lifts your heart and nothing as magical in seeing how fast these tiny people change and grow.
My passion lies in capturing and freezing every irreplaceable moment that I can. This is part of what drives me. My love for children and my passion and talent for beauty in photography have brought me here. I want to stop time for you too – and I want to do it in a way that will have you saying, ‘Wow, that is just simply breathtaking.’